` Proyecto

836-B7-345 Registration of the subjectivity through writing and dance movement: identities, fears, and experiences bound to adolescent existence


To develop artistic expression processes, based on the creation of dance movements and literary texts, in order to analyze subjectivity, identities and experiences linked to adolescent existence.


Expression through artistic means involves self production that says something about the self and the environment in which one lives. An adequate reading of said production and of the subjective elements that constitute it, represents an invaluable resource that speaks to us of a reality and of those involved in it. Therefore, a space of writing and dance movement can enhance the expression of something of its own, something that transcends, and that otherwise could not be registered. It is also a material that allows you to do something with your own experience, with worries, interests, pains, and hopes; either leaving registration of this or even re-signifying it. Thus, this project proposes a space for the artistic expression (from dance and literature) of the adolescents of the Canton of San Ramón, which in turn allows for a psychoanalytic reading of the productions that arise in this place, representing a contribution to the understanding of the individual, their environment and their role in it; thus giving us content and research material based on the subjective elements thrown by the young participants.


From 03/14/2017 to 12/31/2018

Áreas de investigación relacionadas:

Regional Cultural and Linguistic Studies

Investigador principal:

Andrea Molina Ovares

Investigadores colaboradores:

Damián Herrera González

Resultados obtenidos:

Choreographic and literary exhibition

22-24 August, 2018: "Corpografías". V International Colloquium on Cultural Diversity and Regional Studies, Western Campus, University of Costa Rica.

Kérwá repository https://hdl.handle.net/10669/86421



Special publication

Herrera González, D. & Molina Ovares, A. (2019). Corpografías: Inscripción de la subjetividad a través de la escritura y el movimiento dancístico: identidades, temores y experiencias ligadas al existir adolescente. Cultural Diversity and Regional Studies, University of Costa Rica.

Kérwá repository https://hdl.handle.net/10669/86365


Artículo publicado

Herrera, D; Molina, A. (Noviembre, 2021). Escritura y movimiento dancístico como vía de inscripción subjetiva en la adolescencia. Pensamiento actual, 21 (36)

Kérwá repository https://hdl.handle.net/10669/86868



Devolución de resultados

Kérwá repository https://hdl.handle.net/10669/87638
