` Proyecto

836-B8-001 Local history and national Imaginary of San Ramon’s press. (1880-1916)


To investigate the national imagery in San Ramón’s press (1880 to 1916).


The investigation analyzes the representations that the press of San Ramón made about local history and the national imagination during the period 1880-1916. These one hundred years of journalistic exercise meant an important period of social construction in the imaginary and regional identity. This study will account for that invention and consolidation. The analysis is based on the review and study of San Ramón’s press of the proposed period.


From 01/03/2018 to 01/03/2020

Áreas de investigación relacionadas:

Regional Cultural and Linguistic Studies

Investigador principal:

Alfredo Villalobos Jiménez

Resultados obtenidos:


22-24 August, 2018: "Representación de la historia local, construcción local e identidad regional en el imaginario de la prensa ramonense de 1880 a 1916". V International Colloquium on Cultural Diversity and Regional Studies, Western Campus, University of Costa Rica.