` Proyecto

836-C0-120 Virtual reality as a museum tool to reconstruct the local history of San Ramón


To reconstruct the local history of the city of San Ramón from primary and secondary sources for the design of a virtual environment as a teaching tool.


It is through new technological tools that this project aims to recreate virtual and interactive anthropological aspects and sites of cultural interest related to the evolution and development of the head of the canton of San Ramón, over a defined period of time.

This period of time to be represented is intended to be of social interest to the community, therefore it must be based on the study and analysis of historical documents, photographs, interviews and objects, reflecting the sociocultural conditions present in a specific era.

The mission of this research will be the combination of historical aspects, cultural identity and technological avant-garde, to obtain as a result a virtual and immersive representation of the San Ramón of yesteryear, in order for people to symbolically know that era.

It will have as its starting point the observation, interpretation and chronological classification of bibliographic productions, photographs and illustrations documented during the second half of the 19th century and the 20th century, in order to find the period of time of greatest socio-cultural transformation of the head of the canton Ramonense. Once the temporal space is known, it will be recreated with specialized 3D software and interactive VR visualization platforms.


From 01/01/2020 to 12/31/2022

Investigador principal:

Gustavo Fernández Jiménez

Resultados obtenidos:

Published Article

Solano Araya, M., y Fernández Jiménez, G. (2022). La fotografía como recurso documental para la reconstrucción visual de espacios históricos de San Ramón, Alajuela de 1890 a 1924. Reflexiones desde el desarrollo regional: VI Coloquio Internacional sobre Diversidad Cultural y Estudios Regionales, 49–68.

Kérwá repository https://hdl.handle.net/10669/87206