Actividad de investigación
836-B4-702 III International Colloquium on Cultural Diversity and Regional Studies
To contribute to the understanding of regional processes and imagery from inter, trans and multidisciplinary perspectives, starting from the conception of culture as a space open to trans-geographic and trans-temporal relations.
There was a participation of 43 presenters and 2 international speakers who gave important contributions about the different topics addressed in the III Colloquium, which led to the analysis of the various core aspects related to cultural diversity and regional studies.
It was possible to link in the discussion of the colloquium to four research coordinations of the regional headquarters and two research centers, which allowed having valuable academic activities that enhanced the activity.
From 01/03/2014 to 12/31/2014
Investigador principal:
Resultados obtenidos:
III International Colloquium Memory.