` Actividad de investigación

836-B6-704 IV International Colloquium on Cultural Diversity and Regional Studies. Scenarios of Heterogeneity: memories and cultures


To contribute to the understanding of cultural processes and regional imagery from inter, trans and multidisciplinary perspectives, starting from the conception of culture as a space open to trans-geographic and trans-temporal relations.


The IV International Colloquium on Cultural Diversity and Regional Studies was intended to become a space for academic reflection to produce knowledge on cultural diversity and regional and local studies, from inter and transdisciplinary perspectives. The above, based on theories and methodologies relevant to each object and with the purpose of contributing to the integral development of the different human groups that make up current societies.


From 03/03/2016 to 12/30/2016

Investigador principal:

Magdalena Vásquez Vargas

Resultados obtenidos:

The IV International Colloquium on cultural diversity and regional studies. Scenarios of heterogeneity: memories and cultures, held from August 23rd to 26th, 2016, became an academic space that allowed reflection on cultural processes and cultural diversity from various theoretical perspectives and areas of knowledge. This purpose was achieved through the presentation of 45 papers, 3 conferences, a graphic exhibition “Bribris seeds of Sibö: stories from Baja Talamanca” by Eugenio Murillo Fuentes, as well as the presentation of the book Memories of a night and other stories from the Spanish writer Élvira Cámara Aguilera and the performance of cultural activities related to music, art and Costa Rican folklore. On this occasion, the colloquium was dedicated to the emeritus professor Dra. María Eugenia Bozzoli Vargas and the writer Quince Duncan Moddie, who also gave their contribution on Costa Rican cultural diversity. Doña María Eugenia referred to the Bribri cosmogony and Quince Duncan to Afro-descendant cultures in Costa Rica.