836-B7-720 II Research Conference of the Research Center on Cultural Diversity and Regional Studies
The II Research Conference of the Research Center on Cultural Diversity and Regional Studies, held on October 19 and 20, 2017, became an academic space that allowed the achievement of its main objective, which was to publicize the results of the research carried out at this Center, as well as highlighting the main contributions to the Western Region and the country in general terms. Goal that was achieved through the presentation of 21 papers located in the following areas: History, Social Work, Psychology, Literature, Music, Graphic Design, Business Management, Higher Education and Business Informatics; two conferences.
In addition, a graphic exhibition was held, thanks to the collaboration of the professors Ricardo Rodríguez Chaves and Ligia Sancho Víquez and the Design students of the Western Office, called Caligramas with poems by Jorge Debravo, as well as the presentation of the album Cantos de poets from Dr. Jorge Eduardo Carmona and from the book Literary Work Arturo García Solano by Dr. Francisco Rodríguez Cascante. All these activities were organized in tribute to the writer Jorge Debravo on the fiftieth anniversary of his death, as well as other cultural activities related to music.
Investigador principal:
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Resultados obtenidos:
- The contributions of CIDICER research projects to regional studies and cultural diversity were made known.
- The academic networks in which CIDICER participates were successfully disclosed.
- The II Conference allowed showing some of the academic productions prepared by CIDICER researchers, based on their research projects.