` Proyecto

836-B3-006 History of San Ramón literature. I Period


To prepare a history of San Ramón literature to make the textual productions of the canton known.


This project was based on the assumption that although San Ramón has historically been linked to literature as an identity marker, this correspondence had not been studied, nor had sufficient attention been paid to the development of literary production in the region, despite the great quantity of the publications that the Ramonense writers had made. This research work tried to fill this gap by means of the historiographic study of San Ramón literature.

The project developed, firstly, a database on the publications made throughout history by the Ramonense writers, to later study and discuss the relationship between literature and cultural identity in the region. After that, the work was oriented to the analysis of the literary production to write an interpretative document of historiographic order of the generational development of the Ramonense literature, which covered the period 1870-1970.

As products of the project, the writing of three books was achieved, one of historiographic interpretation of the Ramona literature of the period just mentioned and two editions of two important but unknown authors: Arturo García Solano and Corina Rodríguez López.

Given the amplitude of Ramonense literature, discovered thanks to the research process, it was deemed necessary to divide the literary history of the canton in two periods: one that covers from 1870 to 1970, and another from 1970 to 2015. This second period corresponds to the project number 836-B7-037 “History of San Ramon literature. II Period”.


From 03/01/2013 to 02/28/2017

Áreas de investigación relacionadas:

Regional Cultural and Linguistic Studies

Investigador principal:

Francisco Rodríguez Cascante

Resultados obtenidos:

Data base

About Ramonense literature


Virtual book showing

"Historia de la literatura Ramonense. Desde los orígenes hasta el Post-modernismo (1870-1970)"

Kérwá repository https://hdl.handle.net/10669/87228


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