` Proyecto

836-B5-203 Edition of the complete works of Carlomagno Araya


To make an edition of the Complete Works of Carlomagno Araya López to publicize the entire literary production of the author.


This project prepares an edition of the Complete Works of the Ramonense writer Carlomagno Araya López. It is an editorial work in which all the poetic texts of the author are contemplated, as well as his essays, newspaper articles, and autobiography. This edition is preceded by an introductory study.


From 03/02/2015 to 03/02/2017

Áreas de investigación relacionadas:

Regional Cultural and Linguistic Studies

Investigador principal:

Francisco Rodríguez Cascante

Resultados obtenidos:

The main achievement of the project is the edition of the following texts by Charlemagne Araya:


1. Primavera

2. Cenit

3. Medallones

4. Dos poemas

5. Los giróvagos del numen

6. La gruta iluminada

7. Bandera y viento

8. Itabo

9. Cal

10. Ocarina

11. Cedro amargo

12. Poema octogenario.

11. Algo sobre la existencia de Dios

14. Mina y montaña

15. Poesía mística

In addition to this, the author's newspaper articles were edited and an introductory study of the literary work of Charlemagne Araya was carried out.

Research was provided for the realization of the website on Charlemagne Araya of the Literature and Identities room of the San Ramón Museum. 

Round Table

October, 2015: "La obra literaria de Carlomagno Araya". Literature and Identities Hall, San Ramón Regional Museum.