This publication was created from the I International Workshops ‘Conocimientos ancestrales y procesos de desarrollo. Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador’ (Ancestral knowledge and development processes. Ecuador’s indigenous nationalities), taken place in the Private Technological University of Loja (UTPL), Ecuador; the objective of this activity was to build a meeting place for researchers and protagonists of development experiences in the context of indigenous cultures. As a result, the research group ‘Enfoques sociales del desarrollo: Género e Interculturalidad’ (Social focus on development: Gender and Interculturality) (GEINDE) was generated, from which the book Conocimientos ancestrales y procesos de desarrollo: Nacionalidades indígenas del Ecuador (Ancestral knowledge and development processes. Ecuador’s indigenous nationalities) was created; the publication covers the thematic axis of those first workshops.

The article titled Escribiendo nuestra historia: Saberes y experiencias de círculo sentipensante decolonial y del bien vivir (Writing our story: Knowledge and experiences of the sentimentalist decolonial circle and of wellbeing) from the researcher Dr. Marisol Patiño Sánchez, is part of the book and exposes the pertinence of gestating research processes, training, and collective action to question the hegemonic paradigm of modern Eurocentric and neocolonial science, which has legitimized a type of scientific production and delegitimized other knowledge. In this sense, it refers to the developed experience in the 'Círculo de estudio decolonial, intercultural y del Buen Vivir de la Sede Occidente de la Universidad de Costa Rica' (Circle of decolonial, intercultural, and Wellbeing study of the Wester Branch of the University of Costa Rica), which consists of a training and collective action space based on the principles of Wellbeing, or Sumak Kawsay.

Patiño Sánchez, M. (2017). Escribiendo nuestra historia: saberes y experiencias de Círculo sentipensante decolonial y del bien vivir. En P. Meschini & M.E. hermida (Eds.). Trabajo Social y Descolonialidad (pp. 76-100). Mar de Plata, Argentina: Editorial de la Universidad de Mar de Plata.
  • Carmita Marisol Patiño Sánchez