` Actividad de investigación

836-B8-701 V Colloquium on Cultural Diversity and Regional Studies. Cultural Diversities and Postmodern Societies: an approach from regional studies


To promote the dissemination of research findings that contribute to the understanding of cultural processes and regional imagery from inter, trans and multidisciplinary perspectives.


The V International Colloquium on Cultural Diversity is an academic activity whose fundamental importance is that it brings together researchers from the Regional Offices and other academic units of the University of Costa Rica, as well as researchers from other higher education institutions at a national and international level, thus allowing the exchange of research experiences carried out from the different disciplines on cultural diversity and regional studies, and the production of documents with a scientific nature in these areas.

Datos sobresalientes:

The first publication with ISBN from CIDICER was achieved: Construcciones Identitarias e Imaginarios Sociales.


From 03/06/2018 to 02/28/2019

Investigador principal:

Luz Marina Vásquez Carranza

Investigadores colaboradores:

Marisol Patiño SánchezMinor Herrera Valenciano

Resultados obtenidos:

    1. The general objective of this research activity was successfully achieved, as it became a space to promote the partial and final results of research on regional cultural and imaginary processes from various disciplines.
    2. It was possible to bring together a group of researchers both from the Western Campus, CIDICER, and from other campuses of the University of Costa Rica and international universities and institutions, which resulted in a true exchange of research experiences from various areas of knowledge.
    3. The participation of researchers, teachers, students and members of the community was achieved.
    4. The presentation of conferences, presentations, conversations, presentation of books and documentaries, exhibition of photographs on the main theme of the colloquium, among other activities that reached various populations, were combined.
    5. 725 people participating in the programmed activities were counted.
    6. The program was carried out in a very satisfactory way, with great public participation, and without setbacks; This was done in a very orderly manner.