` Proyecto

836-B7-039 State of the situation of micro-enterprises in San Ramon


To analyze the microenterprises of commerce, service and industry in the districts of San Ramón, San Juan and Alfaro, to generate an information system that guides public policies in order to improve their competitiveness and development.


The project studies the situation of microenterprises of trade, service, and industry activities in the districts of San Ramón, San Juan and Alfaro, to quantify and characterize them, thus generating an information system that guides public policies and the institutions that support this sector, in pro of improving its competitiveness and development.


From 01/03/2017 to 12/31/2020

Áreas de investigación relacionadas:

Regional Socioeconomical Studies

Investigador principal:

Jeannette Morales Zumbado

Resultados obtenidos:

Participation in the conservatory

"Las experiencias investigativas y de acción social con los micro emprendimientos en la Región de Occidente desde la carrera de Dirección de Empresas". 



Data Base

Creation of a database that analyzes the situation of the micro-enterprises (formal, semi-formal, and informal) in commerce, service and industry activities located in the canton of San Ramón, specifically in the districts of San Juan, Alfaro y San Ramón.

The information is used only for statistical ends and the confidentiality of the informant is guaranteed. It is presented in three parts: characteristics of the micro-entrepreneur and of the micro-enterprise, in these a combination of variables and downloading the results as a table is possible. A third part summarizes the micro-enterprise’s profile and it is visualized through graphs.

The following sites can be accessed: https://bernardogh.shinyapps.io/projectMicro/

Kérwá repository https://hdl.handle.net/10669/86413


A second database with the objective of grouping and structuring the data of the companies by each of the studied variables, with the goal of facilitating the information for future research projects.

It has the following characteristics:

1. This tool is not accessible to the public.

2. The data is detailed in nine modules: micro-entrepreneur, micro-enterprise, technology, capacitation, financing, management model, succession, and support.

3. Allows reports to be generated, in which the information can be filtered according to needed information.

4. Data on the micro-entrepreneurs and the micro-enterprises can be added, modified, and deleted.  

5. Allows for the updating of statistical data of the public access application, facilitating the process and visualization of information.

6. This system is easily scalable, functionalities and modules can be added easily and quickly, it itself gives a foundation that impulses future development.

7. The structure can be used again for future projects, simply changing some configuration parameters that come in different files in the source code.

8. Requires installation and user manual.

It can be accessed in the following sites:  http://cidicer.pythonanywhere.com/

Kérwá repository https://hdl.handle.net/10669/86532


Published article

Morales Zumbado, J. (2022). Estado de la situación de las microempresas en tres distritos del cantón de San Ramón, Alajuela. Reflexiones desde el desarrollo regional: VI International Colloquium on Cultural Diversity and Regional Studies, 109–133.

Kérwá repository  https://hdl.handle.net/10669/87207