` Proyecto

836-B3-024 Human development observatory of the Western Region


To consolidate the Human Development Observatory of the Western Region to have a body that allows all interested social parties to have timely and pertinent information that enables them to understand the dynamics of the different sectors of regional and local development, as a basis for informed and planned decision making.


The project focused exclusively on water resources as an object of research, given that the issue of water plays a determining role for human development and the quality of life of the peoples of the Western Region of Costa Rica. Furthermore, it constitutes an urgent challenge that demands the implementation of public policies aimed at ensuring the quality and availability of said resource over time. The quality, quantity, availability, access, costs and sustainability of the water resource were taken as indicators.

Specifically, the research question that guided the investigation process was: What are the main challenges and perspectives of the hydric resource in the Western Region of Costa Rica?


From 07/01/2013 to 12/18/2016

Investigador principal:

Maynor Badilla Vargas

Investigadores colaboradores:

William Solórzano Vargas

Resultados obtenidos:

Virtual book showing

"El agua en la Región de Occidente de Costa Rica: un balance de la situación" (Water in the Western Region of Costa Rica: a balance of the situation)

Kérwá repository https://hdl.handle.net/10669/87226


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